What Are You Doing After School Today?
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now available! Click "Parents" Below for the application.
COVID-19 Policies
Club Ed holds a license with the State of NJ and is required to follow all directives and guidelines set forth by the Department of Children and Families and the Office of Licensing.
Club Ed will adopt the "Test To Stay" Policy (TTS).
Protocol for exposure-
If an individual is exposed, they may continue to attend Club Ed as long as they wear a mask at all times indoors.
If symptoms develop at an point in those 10 days, the individual must provide a negative COVID test to return to Club Ed.
If the individual tests positive for COVID-19, they cannot return until they are symptom free, without the help of medication, for 24 hours.
This protocol is in place for all individuals regardless of vaccination status.
All school district policies based on local community health departments will be followed in conjunction with the most recent New Jersey Health Department directives.
Of these directives and policies, Club Ed will follow whichever is most strict for the safety of our students and staff.
Club Ed will continue to work with the school nurses for contact tracing
If your child feels ill, please do not send them to school or to Club Ed.
Club Ed reserves the right to assess individual case and respond appropriately for the safety of our students and staff.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Are all the kids still going into the gym?
We will do our best to get each group time for recreation in the gym. However, the gym may not always be available to us.
Are they staying in the classrooms?
There will be some groups in classrooms and we will try to keep them in their designated classrooms to limit contact exposure.
Are you mixing all kids from the same grade?
Students will be assigned to their groups by grade. This makes it easier for homework assistance and age-appropriate activities.
Are the staff and students required to wear masks?
Club Ed will be adopting the School District decision on the mask mandate. As of March 7th, 2022, wearing masks will be optional for all Club Ed students and staff. This can change at any time based on state or school district directives.
What if a student exhibits symptoms of illness while in Club Ed?
All students will have their temperature taken upon arrival to program. If a child has a fever of 100.4 or higher or exhibits other symptoms of illness, the child will be placed in a designated "waiting area" away from others. The child's parent/guardian/emergency contact will be called and will be required to pick up the child immediately. We will then report it to the school and the local health department.
Can I enter the building to help my child pack up when I pick up?
At this time, parents will not be permitted to enter the building. The Club Ed staff will make sure that your child has all their belongings and will escort them to the designated pickup area.